Review: The Concept of Computer Security in the Entrepreneurial Workplace

Okay, so this technically isn’t a ‘review’ of a certain ‘product.’ But it is a review of a concept! — Typically, a concept that costs moola.

But if you’re a small business owner or entrepreneur looking to protect the company on the cyberspace level, guess what: you’re smart. You’re normal.

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Review: A Second Life For Small Businesses

To be honest, all those virtual 3D downloads out there get a bad rep: after all, look at the film “Gamer” with Gerard Butler! Check out some of the wild and crazy in these virtual worlds, right? Some of it’s even crazier than the real world. There’s no denying it, though: 3D gaming is the rage. And in particular, you might’ve heard of this particular revolutionary free piece of software download:

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How AT&T’s Toggle Service Can Help Your Small Business

One of the greatest issues in small business is part of the human resources ladder. How far do you let your employees go with company owned electronics? Are you a “no Facebook, no Twitter, no fun or joy allowed” place? Are you a “everybody needs a break sometimes” place? Some places have different rules, and they run the gamut from “no personal use” to “anything as long as it doesn’t get in the way of work”.

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Review: IVR Systems for Small Businesses, an Invaluable Viable Resource

Clever, huh? That’s what IVR stands for, for me — Invaluable Viable Resource. No, really, it actually means “Interactive Voice Response.” What the heck do I know, right?

Hopefully, a lot — as this particular article’s going to tell you some of the logistic philosophy surrounding the concept of Interactive Voice Response within a company

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Prank Calls May be GOOD for Business

How to Answer a PhoneLast week, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker had a very candid phone conversation with right-wing billionaire David Koch – or so he thought. The journalist responsible for the prank call shared a recording of the chat and pundits didn’t hesitate to scrutinize Walker’s every word.

Lucky for Walker’s press team, the Governor seemed to share the same opinions in private as he had in public regarding the state budget, unions and the legislature. But they are politicians – masters of public relations. But for everyone who has ever hired someone to answer the phone – how do you train your sales and support staff to stay ‘on message’?

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Quick Tips: Receptionists

Here are five tips you should give to your receptionist.

  1. Slow down. If someone asks you more than once what you just said, then you are speaking to fast.
  2. Receptionist Tips

  3. Enunciate. Because the person on the phone cannot see your lips, certain nuances in enunciation are lost.
  4. Ask for a Number. If you don’t know the answer, ask for the caller’s name and number and tell them that you find the answer and call them back.
  5. Don’t Be in a Rush. Always make the caller feel like you have a lot of time for them even if it means forwarding a call to a virtual receptionist.
  6. Smile While You Talk. As crazy as this sounds, the caller can hear it when you have a smile on your face even if you aren’t in a good mood.

These five tips will transform your receptionist from a good to great.