Securing the Cloud

Type “secure” and “cloud” into Google and watch the results roll in. This is a hot topic right now, and it is because so many people misunderstand what the cloud is and how to use it safely. One of the best ways to think about the cloud is to envision it as a hard drive that is not in the room with you. You can put anything you want on it and even run programs from it. All you need is Internet access and you can retrieve your data from the cloud. Continue reading

Halloo Hint: Creating a Phone Menu that Acts as a Help Desk

One of our clients, Tim, the owner of a property management company, had this dilemma. “My receptionists are good, but they don’t know everything. I have some recorded messages prepared for the most common problems my customers have, for example, their rental may have an issue with the fireplace, satellite TV, hot tub, etc. I set up an after hours menu for guests to access this menu driven system (i.e. “if you have problems with your hot tub, press [1]” etc.). Continue reading

The Business Advantages of a Phone System

A phone system has capabilities that go beyond normal phone services. When placing a phone call to a business that does not have a phone system, you will reach either reach the person you intended, hear the busy tone, receive no answer, or be asked to leave a message. Even if you reach an actual person at the organization, you could be greeted differently depending on who answers the phone. Without a phone system, it can be difficult to transfer callers, so you may be asked to hang up and call back using a different number. Continue reading

Interview with Jim Li, CEO of Halloo recently took the time to interview Halloo Communications CEO, Jim Li. In this article, Mr. Li answers questions regarding the origin of “Halloo”, the integration of customer relationship management (CRM) tools, and what the future of telephony holds. To read this interview in its entirety, please visit:


What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is all the rage. But, what does it mean? According to Judith Hurwitz, Robin Bloor, Marcia Kaufman, and Fern Halper, authors of Cloud Computing for Dummies, cloud computing is the “next stage in the Internet’s evolution, providing the means through which everything – from computing power to computer infrastructure, applications, business processes to personal collaboration – can be delivered to you as a service wherever and whenever you need.” Continue reading