Where Should You Place Your Phone Number?

Having a quick and easy way to call your business is one of the most powerful additions to any website. In fact, if your website does not have prominent phone number placement already, it is time for you to speak to your web designer about creating a way to easily call, not only to your home page, but to every page of your website. If you are the web designer at your business, a quick online search can provide step-by-step instructions on how to easily add a click to call button that connects directly to your business. Continue reading

What is Spam?

Spam is a relatively new term that has come about since the dawn of the Internet age, or for about the past 20 years. It is essentially the sending of the same message to a number of Internet users who have not chosen to receive it. While there are many ways to reach your audience, sending unsolicited messages to them by email or by any method of communications is not an effective one. Continue reading

How Do Free Conference Call Companies Make Money?

Ever wonder how free conference call companies can offer their services without charging customers? It actually dates back to regulations and fees that were put in place when the parent Bell Company was forced to break up. Smaller phone companies entered the mix of phone service providers. Realizing that there were higher costs associated with serving rural areas (lower call volume, while still needing as much or more equipment), higher fees were paid to calls ending in rural areas. Continue reading

Turning a One Time Customer Into a Repeat Customer

While tips on winning a first time customer gets a lot of press, turning one-time customers into repeat customers is equally as important and should not be neglected. Delivering good service once is not enough to ensure repeat business in today’s competitive, global marketplace. Instead you need to have a strategy in place to ensure repeat customers. Continue reading

Mastering the Sales Funnel

Sales is often compared to a funnel. Businesses attract a large number of leads from the various marketing efforts they make. However, by the time they become actual customers, those numbers drop significantly. This is especially true for goods and services that represent a significant investment. During the funnel process, businesses attempt to guide leads towards the buying decision through education, relationship building and trust. Continue reading

Don’t Hold Back Your Cloud Based Phone System

Your Halloo cloud based phone system is an exciting asset for your business. It gives you tools to help improve in so many different aspects. It goes beyond the typical phone system to filling gaps in your day to day business life that you didn’t even know were there. Get to know your system and what it can for your business, so you don’t hold back. Continue reading

4 Ways to Increase the Productivity of Your Staff

Regardless of whether your staff is full-time, part-time or a combination of both, your attention to their needs makes a huge difference when it comes to productivity. Your employees need growth opportunities, the right tools, recognition and realistic goals to strive towards in order to shine. Providing these 4 key ingredients will help increase the productivity of your staff and your business. Continue reading

Is a Cloud Based Phone System Right For My Business?

So maybe you are still answering the phone yourself, letting the voicemail system get it, using an inbound call center or relying on your employees to answer every call at your business. Maybe you are even happy with the option you are using for call management in your business. But if you’re here, you are at least wondering what else is available and what the real advantages are.   Continue reading

Halloo Hint: Are Your Callers Human?

Spam is an increasing problem both for emails and phone calls. Cheap long distance rates allow unscrupulous businesses to set up banks of “robo callers” to dial literally every phone number combination. Why are they doing this? Most likely in an attempt to compile databases of working numbers and make note of whether a person answered. Continue reading