Bringing Customer Relationship Management to the Forefront

An effective customer relationship management system can dramatically transform the performance of your small business. By using an online system, the customer experience that you deliver is completely revolutionized. You go from being yet another vendor trying to sell something to an entity that offers solutions to real problems that your customers experience. Institute a customer relationship management system today, like the one found with Halloo phone systems. Continue reading

Getting the Best Return on Your Cloud-Based Contact Management System

Cloud-based contact management systems are the way of the future. This type of software puts information at your fingertips from anywhere and streamlines lead nurturing and customer care. Yet, software investing is not something that is done lightly. Savvy managers understand that the right software can create efficiency, save money and increase profitability. The wrong software can do just the opposite. We want to make sure that you are getting all the best return possible on your Halloo cloud-based phone system and contact management system, so your business can improve. Continue reading

Setting Up a Phone System That Even Auto Attendant Haters Will Appreciate

Your intention in setting up an automated phone system is undoubtedly, to ensure that your customers get the very best service possible. However, there are many consumers out there who simply hate getting a machine when they call anywhere. It is those callers that you must keep in mind when you are setting up your new automated phone system. Follow these guidelines and you are sure to create a system that even the haters can live with. Continue reading