Get the most out of Halloo hunt groups with skills-based routing. Add groups based on additional skills within your company, such as language skills or product skills.
How Does It Work?
When an incoming call to your call center cannot connect to the teammate available, your virtual phone system will try the most suitable agent with the same skill set instead of trying the next agent in line.
Extensions will be skipped during call routing if the person is currently on the phone or has marked their extension as “blocked” from hunting.
For example, a Spanish speaking caller could be routed to ANYONE in the company who speaks Spanish, regardless of what “department” they are actually in, just so they can take a note and forward to the right person.
This process has arisen from larger call centers with a wider variety of call types.
How Callers Reach Voicemail
If no one on your team is available, the caller will reach the voicemail of the extension set in the “voicemail if no one available” field in your account. If you choose to omit this setting, callers will be directed to the voicemail box of the last user extension in the skills-based routing sequence.
The voicemail extension can also be a member of the group. Used in this way, the system will try the hunt members in the skills base and return to the voicemail extension only if no one is available.
Want to know more? Check out our comprehensive guide to hunt groups.