I have to admit: changing the name of a brand usually revamps the marketing and advertising. Google knows this. Obviously. Just look at the Google search engine! The logo changes every once in a while, and sometimes they get pretty creative.
The same goes for this thing called Google Drive. What’s Google Drive? Essentially “Google Docs.” Why change the name? It’s the same thing, isn’t it? This might surprise you…. Wait for it….
It Isn’t!
Understand, though, that this may confuse small businesses to death. Many CEOs, executives, even auto attendants all over the world have used the wonderful service called “Google Docs” on a regular basis. So why change the name?
The Lowdown on Google Drive
This resulted from the onset of one of the premier social networks to arrive in the corporate world, especially emphasizing the beauty of meet-me conferences — Google Plus.
Because of the marketing of this social network directly competing with Facebook, a lot of what Google has to offer has been packaged neatly into one central hub, and Google Drive is just the start of all that.
The main difference? Google Docs essentially was an online word processor. Google Drive, however, is basically an online storage facility for just about anything — documents, pictures, MP3’s, videos, computer files, anything encompassing pixels or bytes of information!
Like Google Docs, you can share all of this information with just about anyone. This revitalizes the idea that Google, with this service, can market a business from outer space, inner space, all kinds of space, on Mars’ rover Curiosity, even in the comfort of President Obama’s bedroom.
This is honestly phenomenal for businesses.
Moreover, one of the most useful aspects of Google Drive is that the service can actually be downloaded onto any hard drive, essentially — a laptop, a desktop, or even an iPod or Android device. Connect that possibility with the need for business economy, and you’ve got a winning combination.
How can it be downloaded? Through file synchronization. That means you can save a file onto your Google Drive right on your laptop, and it instantly syncs with your Google Drive account online. Instant backup. Need I say more?
Of course, for this service to work, you’ve got to have some memory to work with! How about 5 free GB to start? You want more? Pay only $4 a month, and you’ll get a hefty 20 GB of space. You can, in fact, if you’re a business administrator for a large company, purchase up to 16 terabytes (terabytes? That’s, let’s see, about 16,000 gigs!).
Seems Like a Powerhouse of Cloud Computing….
Hold your horses there, kimosabe. Google’s great. But Google’s not perfect. Part of what makes a slick business is a sense of compatibility — and Google loses some of that. You’ll find, as many already have in regards to Google Docs, that sometimes it’s not very friendly with the formatting.
Sometimes Word documents don’t look the way they should on Google Docs and Drive. You can’t view ODFs either, and to be fair Microsoft Office’s crazy cousin OpenOffice.org does have a piece of the word processing pie. These days, it’s all about compatibility.
Google has a hard time with that, to be honest, it seems….
Still a Hefty Competitor
When you don’t want to mess with folders on the computer or searching through your My Documents, the Google Drive makes it pretty easy — sign in to your Google account, click on the “Drive” button, and you’re ready to hit 88 as Marty McFly and Doc would say.
Any business could go back to the future this way! This could get heavy, Google Doc….
Related Keywords: Microsoft SkyDrive, corporate database, e-mail account