Wondering what to get your business for Valentine’s Day? It’s no surprise how many Halloo clients are falling in love with social phone systems this year. While the concept is easy, they’re reaping big rewards … the sexy kind.
There are 3 basic features that set social phone systems apart:
1. They eliminate the need for CRMs. In one hefty swoop, customer service representatives can see who’d calling, when they called in last and who handled their call. Making call entries is easy since the call pops right through they system.
2. They personalize the customer experience. The number one feature clients love is being able to put a face to the name of their CSR. In a time when we’re losing more and more personalization, the social phone system brings back the person behind the personality.
3. They are automated to provide easy organization. Since the screens are based on the siloed database of calls, they automatically show users who called and when. They see everything they need to know right on their screen – without the hassle of looking up all the past communications.
My favorite feature? It kind of gives me the warm fuzzies to be able to see who I’m speaking with. I also love the idea, as a client, that my information is all in one place in front of a customer service representative.
Typically, with a CRM, reps have to fill in screen after screen of data related to the call. The social phone system takes the guesswork out of it for them. They can quickly and easily see who took the last call and what the issue is.
It’s also quite sexy to know who called in last. If you’ve got multiple users on an account, tying them to a social phone system can eliminate a lot of the back and forth often caused by multiple account holders.
Ultimately, if it’s time for you to upgrade your system, or you’re just having issues getting up close and personal with clients, a social phone system is the perfect solution to really turn-on the sales and keep clients satisfied.