
About Jillian

A professional. A geek. Writer. Music fanatic. Creative. Thoughtful. Programmer. Educated. Outgoing. Thrill seeker. Realistic. Optimist. Clever. Sarcastic. Not typical. Contact me on Twitter: @jillianTBD

Fring Bridges the Gap Between Telecommuting Employees

The internet has changed the way businesses work. Behind us are the days we had to be in adjacent cubicles to communicate with our co-workers and cooperate on projects. We may miss the water cooler camaraderie that emerged from close proximity, but the savings in overhead combined with enticing expertise and experience that would have been out of reach can mean good things for your organization.

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Leverage Your Social Networking Efforts with Klout

It goes without saying that in business, reputation means everything.  What isn’t as obvious, is how to increase brand recognition and customer loyalty.  Many businesses, whether traditional brick and mortar or those that exist entirely online, are turning to social networking opportunities such as Facebook and Twitter as part of their overall marketing strategy.  This is the new ‘word of mouth’, and it can be very powerful.

So how do you know if it is working, when measuring the conversion rate for your online efforts can be difficult?   Fortunately, a free service offered by Klout.com can help!

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