Grow Your Business with Halloo!

Have you considered your phone needs lately? Perhaps you continually approach your minute limit or need additional user extensions. Or, your business might be at the point where adding a local or toll free number would really help your marketing and search optimization efforts. If you have encountered any of these growing pains, perhaps it’s time to upgrade your phone services. Continue reading

Is a Cloud Based Phone System Right For My Business?

So maybe you are still answering the phone yourself, letting the voicemail system get it, using an inbound call center or relying on your employees to answer every call at your business. Maybe you are even happy with the option you are using for call management in your business. But if you’re here, you are at least wondering what else is available and what the real advantages are.   Continue reading

Halloo Hint: Are Your Callers Human?

Spam is an increasing problem both for emails and phone calls. Cheap long distance rates allow unscrupulous businesses to set up banks of “robo callers” to dial literally every phone number combination. Why are they doing this? Most likely in an attempt to compile databases of working numbers and make note of whether a person answered. Continue reading

Getting the Best Return on Your Cloud-Based Contact Management System

Cloud-based contact management systems are the way of the future. This type of software puts information at your fingertips from anywhere and streamlines lead nurturing and customer care. Yet, software investing is not something that is done lightly. Savvy managers understand that the right software can create efficiency, save money and increase profitability. The wrong software can do just the opposite. We want to make sure that you are getting all the best return possible on your Halloo cloud-based phone system and contact management system, so your business can improve. Continue reading

Setting Up a Phone System That Even Auto Attendant Haters Will Appreciate

Your intention in setting up an automated phone system is undoubtedly, to ensure that your customers get the very best service possible. However, there are many consumers out there who simply hate getting a machine when they call anywhere. It is those callers that you must keep in mind when you are setting up your new automated phone system. Follow these guidelines and you are sure to create a system that even the haters can live with. Continue reading

How to Outsmart Computer Bullies

More than 1 million individual, business and government computers have been hit by malicious malware that holds their files hostage until they pay a hefty ransom.

Businesses can prevent cyber-bullies from stealing their precious data with two old-fashioned techniques: Avoiding unsolicited, suspicious emails, PDF files and websites and keeping two back-ups on an external hard drive or with an off-site system.  Continue reading