When you’re in charge, especially of your own small business, you quickly begin to discover that you need to be in a whole lot more places at once than you ever needed to be when you were just an employee. And the folks behind Any.DO have readied a pretty powerful tool for keeping your schedule straight. How powerful is it, you wonder? Powerful enough to pull half a million downloads in its first thirty days of going live on the Android Market. It’s averaging forty thousand downloads a day, and it’s the kind of thing you’ll want on hand.
Any.DO gives you much of what you’d expect in scheduling software: giving you a to-do list with a way to mark your tasks as being complete. But it actually improves on the experience by allowing you to input your tasks by voice input. You’ll also be able to sync your Any.DO tasks list with your Google tasks and use gestures to sort your tasks into done, undone, partially done, or anything else you’d like. You can even shake your device to empty your lists of completed tasks, like setting up that toll-free number you always wanted or getting a cloud-based phone system with a hunt group in play to handle your calls during heavy shopping seasons.
But what really separates this from others of its class is the design of the app itself, with the capability to automatically complete entries as you type them, and can let you set up your tasks with friends and family as needed.
It’s surprisingly easy to use, even for all the extra features it offers up, and should do a pretty sharp job of helping keep you on task. Let’s face it, folks, in small business time is money, and the better a handle you can keep on your schedule, the more time you’ll save, and in turn, the more opportunity you’ll have to conduct business elsewhere.
Keeping your schedule running smoothly allows you to keep new opportunities available, and as any small business person knows, if you’re not growing, you’re dying. So if you want to keep your small business running, you’re going to need time. And keeping your schedule in working order with an app like Any.DO is going to be your best chance to get you the time you need to keep your business growing.
Related keywords: hunt group, cloud computing, virtual office, Android