Moving Forward by Looking Back at 2014

There’s nothing like a new year to inspire a fresh start and set intentions for more productive work habits.

Evaluating our performance over the past year, individually and as a team, can reap great rewards when done in the right spirit and without excessive criticism. Mistakes can be painful, so we tend to learn more from them than our successes. Continue reading

Top Priorities for the Small Business Owner

As a small business owner it is important to have your business priorities straight. While most say every business’s top priority is to turn profit, the other priorities you have for your business will help define how you actually do that. In fact, by just having the one priority – making money – you are limiting your business and neglecting to give it the direction it needs to move forward. Take the time to consider a more detailed list of business priorities. Continue reading

The Future of The Small Business Workforce

Recent reports on the future of the small business workforce detail changes that have already begun for many businesses. These changes involve a shift away from traditional workplaces where everyone is in the same building and towards a collaboration of co-workers who telecommute from a variety of places at different times. This shift means change for both employees and employers. Continue reading

Prepping for Your Business’s Busy Season

While the busy season of a business can vary depending on your product or service, for a majority of businesses, the final quarter of the year is the busiest. No matter when you have your highest period of the year, being prepared for it can make all the difference in your bottom line. Put these tips to work prior to things picking up and you’ll be sure to perform better than ever. Continue reading

Save Money on Office Equipment with Cloud Technology

A huge part of building a successful business is wisely using your resources. That includes carefully putting your hard earned money to work in your business. Today’s entrepreneurs have the luxury of using cloud technology to access a wide variety of office tools without having to invest in an array of pricey office equipment. In fact, cloud technology can save you both money and space by letting you do more with less office equipment. Continue reading