10 Actionable Ways Call Recording Can Help Your Small Business

How can call recording help your small business?

  1. Increase customer satisfaction – Recording calls will allow you to reward exceptional customer service. It also provides the opportunity to diffuse customer issues before they escalate.
  2. Provide training material – Examples of good, bad, and unusual calls can be shared during training sessions with new employees as well as during team meetings.
  3. Increase accuracy – One of the primary areas for errors is in documenting information that is conveyed via the phone. With the call recorded, team members can review shipping information and order quantities before submitting final order requests. Continue reading

ABC Bonding’s Competitive Edge

ABC Bonding* has created a “virtual franchise” bail bond operation. Without increasing human resources, ABC now serves multiple counties, seamlessly and efficiently. ABC previously used a call answering service which it shared with its competition. However, the call transfer process along with the number of message inaccuracies was progressively choking its growth, and keeping ABC from getting ahead in the marketplace. Continue reading

Disaster Planning: Include Your Virtual Phone System

Sadly, unexpected disasters can strike your area and business in numerous ways. While there’s no way to completely prepare for every type of disaster, having contingency plans and needed tools readily available can help you navigate through tough times.

Part of a disaster plan should address how you’ll communicate with your customers, clients, and employees. It may not be feasible to individually call each member of your team or expect team members to have access to their normal work environment. Instead, you may need to set up a communication system that can be accessed by employees once they reach safety. Including a virtual phone system with automated attendant, call forwarding, and hunt group features into your disaster plan can minimize service disruptions. Continue reading

Highlighting Halloo’s Popular Features

We know you have lots of choices when it comes to choosing a virtual phone provider for your small business, but only Halloo combines the sales and marketing power of social media with an easy-to-use phone system that’s built specifically for your needs. Not convinced? Here are some of our more popular features that will not only make your work life less stressful, but also help you track and keep customers happy and coming back to your business again and again.

Bring a Social Media State of Mind to Your Virtual Office

Halloo is the first social phone system ever created. What does this mean exactly? You can get all of your employees on the same page in a few simple steps. With Halloo, you can share and take notes, respond to live calls instantly, and pull up past conversations during current calls. Everything is organized, accounted for, and easy to navigate through Halloo.

Make a Note of It

Did that customer just call you ten minutes ago and drop the call?

Imagine conducting and tracking business calls anytime and anywhere. With Halloo as your secret weapon, you can get organized and keep tabs on your multiple clients, see how you’ve interacted with them before, and nurture your existing relationship.

Halloo’s many features allow you to keep all your business contacts, calls, messages, and notes in one place. It’s easy to pull up information, reroute calls, and make notes all through a collaborative workflow.

Simple, Hassle-Free Set-Up

Now you can take business calls anywhere, anytime and still keep track of them. Halloo can route any calls to your existing mobile, office, or home phone instantly. An added bonus:  You don’t need any special equipment or a specialist to come and install anything! It’s all done through our easy-to-use site.

Come check out Halloo for yourself and see why everyone is talking!