Great WSJ article on how to hook a prospect – look at their job ads!

The WSJ recently had a guest writer pen an article which we think is so simple, yet so brilliant it makes me ashamed I hadn’t thought of it. You can read it here, but the upshot of it says –

If you really want to know what hidden opportunities to sell a potential customer are, their job ads will give you insights that can’t be found anywhere else. Elements such as – Continue reading

Goldman Sachs has a website about… small business?

My good readers, I’ll leave this one up to you to decide if this is a genuine reach-out to the small business owners of America, or just a PR attempt as they continue to, well, do whatever Goldman Sachs does. Which traditionally, has had very little to do with small business.

Check out their website for small business owners.

Goldman Sachs website for small business

Great PR, or a great appreciation of small business owners?

I would like to ask the questions though – did Goldman ever have to ask the small business administration for a loan or worry about making payroll? Hmmmm. No disrespect to a great financial institution, but this one I’m not so sure I get.

Interesting though!